Friday, July 20, 2012

Get Better Results From Your Time In The Kitchen With These Simple Tips

Cooking is a tough skill to learn. The following article has plenty of tips to make the best dishes possible.
Use salt liberally in the water used to cook pasta. This will help season the pasta as it cooks. This is much more effective than trying to add salt to pasta that you have already cooked.
Always remember to remove all the extra fat from soups and stews. If the recipe you're preparing has a higher fat content than you prefer, allow the dish to cool, so the fat can collect on the surface where it can be removed. Put an ice cube on a spoon and skim it across the surface. The fat will glob onto the ice. Another way to remove the excess fat is to blot the surface of the stew or soup with a paper towel.
A well organized kitchen will simplify cooking. If you are disorganized, you won't know where to find the cheese grater or the spatula when you need them. Try to keep similar things in one place. For instance, put all your spices in one cabinet.
Don't eat your meal right away. This is a vital step in your cooking process, which can add a lot of flavor to your meal. You may think it is best to serve your meat right off the grill so it is piping hot. If you do this, you aren't getting the full experience associated with your food. To maximize taste and satisfaction, wait a little while before you serve your meal to friends or family.
If you are trying a new fruit or vegetable that you are not accustomed to, take a little time to learn some things about it. Your new food item could be quite versatile in use, so it is good to do the homework. The better prepared you are before you start, the better your kitchen experiences will be.
You can fix a pie crust. If you overworked the pie dough, that could cause it to get cracks. If you put a small amount of cold water over them and then gently rub it with your fingers, you can repair the cracks. Cracks on the top pie crust can be repaired by brushing with milk, and sprinkling with a little sugar. When your pie is done baking, the top crust will have an appetizing golden glaze that will conceal any minor imperfections.
Head to the store and replace your unused spices every six months. The flavor of spices diminishes if they sit around for too long. If you purchase a new spice but doubt you can use it before the flavor dries up, share some of it with a fellow cook.
It has a wide variety of cooking uses, even outside the combination with meat. Try roasted pumpkin seeds sprinkled with the seasoning for a tasty snack or mix it in your scrambled eggs. Everyone will wonder what you're doing to make things taste so delicious!
Try using two timers, one on the oven and also one on your cellphone or watch. If you wear a stopwatch on your neck or use the timer on a watch, you will make sure that the beeps are heard no matter your location.
You need to properly care for a wooden cutting board. If you don't keep your wooden cutting board moderately dry and in a cool place, you may find that it warps or cracks. Do not immerse the cutting board in water, instead, clean it using a sponge and warm water. Try oiling your damaged board regularly in order to restore it. Let it dry for a while after oiling.
Take care to not overfill your pan when you are sauteing. Too much moisture can cause food to steam rather than saute, affecting the crispness of the meal. Saute at a lower temperature as well.
As you are preparing mashed potatoes for a meal, be sure to use hot, but not boiling milk to stir in with the potatoes. The end result is lighter, fluffier mashed potatoes. Nobody wants to eat mashed potatoes full of lumps.
Food is the basis of life, and it is very powerful. Start implementing the hints and tips in this article, and watch how pleasantly surprised your friends and family are going to be.

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