Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Easy Ways To Cook Better Meals, Use These Tips

Whether you fancy yourself a novice cook or an accomplished chef, there is always something you can do to get better. Cooking is a skill that everyone is improving over their lives. This article can help you see instant improvements to your own cooking skills. The tips below will give you some great ideas to boost your cooking skills.
Exposure to air can turn many fresh fruits brown when they are sliced, including apples, bananas, avocados, pears and peaches. You can stop the browning by brushing them with lemon or salt water but pineapple juice is recommended because it will not adversely affect the taste. As a rapid dip will suffice, you don't need to immerse the fruit.
People who enjoy cooking fish should attempt to catch fish on their own to cook if they have enough time to do so. Someone who catches and cooks their own fish on the same day not only eats a fresh meal but has the ability to completely provide for themselves.
Find fresher ways to prepare meals with oysters. Even though oysters are usually eaten raw with drops of lemon juice, they can be made in plenty of other ways. Place opened oysters on top of a broiling pan while covering it with cream. Add some Parmesan cheese along with some fresh pepper, then broil until it bubbles. Get out your saute pan for another option. Just drop them in some seasoned flour, then fry them in butter until they turn golden- about 2 minutes. You can also keep the oysters inside their shells, then bake them. Add each one into a casserole dish, add a few bits of butter and breadcrumbs on top of every oyster and set the oven to 425 degrees. Place the dish into the oven and bake for between four and five minutes. Serve your oysters once the butter starts bubbling.
A good kitchen requires good knives. It's safer to cut with a sharp instrument than it is to with a dull one, and you will also save some time. Dull knives cause more accidents than sharp ones.
If you are making a salad ahead of time, put some thought into how you layer its ingredients. You should place the ingredients that are the juiciest, like the tomatoes, at the bottom of the bowl, and then place the lettuce and remaining ingredients that are likely to wilt or get soggy on the top.
Did you ever regret throwing moldy fruit away? Can you actually save your fruit by cutting the part out that is rotten? It's not safe to try to save partially rotted fruit. It must be discarded because mold spores that you cannot see may be present on other areas of the fruit. If eaten, you could become ill.
You need to use the freshest garlic possible when you are using it in a dish. One rule to remember is that if you want sweet garlic, choose fresh garlic. If your garlic is not shriveled up or soft and has a nice and firm skin, your garlic is fresh.
If you are making a salad ahead of time, put some thought into how you layer its ingredients. If you don't want to send up with a wilted and soggy mess, put juicy ingredients in the bowl first, and then layer upwards to produce like lettuce on the top.
There are a few ways to heat tortillas. You can put the tortilla in your oven at 350 degrees until they get crisp enough. An alternate method is to hold a tortilla over a gas flame. Trying any of these methods will create an amazing tortilla.
When cooking vegetables, try cooking them in chicken broth. Not only will the chicken broth stop the vegetables from getting stuck to the pan, but it will also make the dish more tasty. Chicken broth can be found at any grocery store, and is very low priced.
Take care to not overfill your pan when you are sauteing. Too much moisture can cause food to steam rather than saute, affecting the crispness of the meal. Saute at a lower temperature as well.
As you are preparing mashed potatoes for a meal, be sure to use hot, but not boiling milk to stir in with the potatoes. The end result is lighter, fluffier mashed potatoes. Nobody wants to eat mashed potatoes full of lumps.
If you use the informatin from this article you have the choice of becoming a great cook-at-home chef. Get creative with your meal ideas and experiment with different recipes. The variety of meals you can cook is completely unlimited, given the vast array of ingredients to use and the number of cultural traditions to draw on.

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