Sunday, July 22, 2012

Easy Ways To Prepare Food in Kitchen

No matter who you are cooking for, even if it's simply your family, you will benefit from learning new things. Using the proper techniques can change an ordinary meal into a fabulous event that will be well-remembered. Try some of these tips to make your meals interesting and exciting!
Use salt liberally in the water used to cook pasta. This will help season the pasta as it cooks. This is much more effective than trying to add salt to pasta that you have already cooked.
It can be difficult to figure out how long you need to keep meat on the grill. Make sure you use quality meat thermometers to ascertain the internal temperature. If you are grilling a thicker piece of meat (over 1.5 inches), close your grill while cooking to save some time.
Try not to under or over cook your cake. The times on the recipe are great as a guide for cooking, but factors like elevation and various oven temperatures can effect the actual cooking time of cakes. Sticking a toothpick in the center of the cake is a time proven test for doneness. If your toothpick is wet or sticky, give your cake a little longer to cook. If it's clean and dry, your cake is ready to cool and frost.
Spices and herbs should be kept in a dark place that is cool and dry. Exposure to light, heat and humidity can cause them to lose a lot of their flavor very fast. These areas are not good because the spices will get exposed to flavor losing elements.
If you want to avoid the greasy mess that you can get when you warm up leftover food that is oily, try baking it rather than microwaving it. When you cook foods in the microwave, there is a huge surge of heat, which will cause the oil (that heats the quickest) to start to separate from all of the other ingredients. If you bake it and slowly heat it up it will keep the ingredients together.
Use a baking potato with thick skin to get a good, firm shell when making potato skins or twice baked potatoes. Red potatoes don't have the skin thickness for high-density fillings.
When preparing mashed potatoes, mix the potatoes using hot, non-boiling water prior to mashing them. This causes the potatoes to become lighter and fluffier, compared to using cold milk. Boring, lumpy mashed potatoes are for the birds.
Never forget to measure oil when you are using it for cooking. Use only the required amount of oil necessary, and resist pouring straight from the bottle to the cooking pan, to reduce the fat content in your foods. Doing this will make you aware of exactly how much cooking oil you're using.
Garlic is a delight to cook with, but its odor transfers very easily onto the hands. Rubbing your hands on something made of stainless steel, such as your sink, can help to get rid of these odors. It both cleans your hands and helps to avoid transfer the odor to other foods.
When cooking vegetables, try cooking them in chicken broth. Not only will the chicken broth stop the vegetables from getting stuck to the pan, but it will also make the dish more tasty. Chicken broth can be found at any grocery store, and is very low priced.
Do some of your prep work the day before to avoid being too busy to enjoy yourself or causing stress. This allows you to serve a fresh, healthy meal to your family even when you are pressed for time. Considered chopping up stir-fry veggies and having them ready to go for the next night. Casseroles are also something easy to prepare that you can have 100 percent ready to go, and simply store them in the fridge overnight.
As you are preparing mashed potatoes for a meal, be sure to use hot, but not boiling milk to stir in with the potatoes. The end result is lighter, fluffier mashed potatoes. Nobody wants to eat mashed potatoes full of lumps.
As with any new endeavor, the discoveries you make when learning to improve your cooking are sure to excite you. Cooking can be as much fun as actually eating! Hopefully, this article has given you useful information that you can incorporate into your cooking skills, or at the very least inspired you to seek out better and newer ways to cook! Even professional chefs can learn new recipes and cooking techniques.

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