Thursday, September 20, 2012

Tips For Foodies, Gourmands And Would-Be Chefs

It's common knowledge that people require food to sustain life. No one wants to just survive though. Cooking something will make you feel proud, and you will enjoy your meal even more. Find some inspiring tips below and get excited about cooking.

Be sure to read labels when purchasing ingredients for recipes. There are many common supplies in cooking that contain unhealthy ingredients that are hidden. Make sure the food does not have a lot of salt or sugar, these can both be harmful to your health.

Be sure to read labels when purchasing ingredients for recipes. Many often-used ingredients contain hidden, unhealthy ingredients. Look out for excessive levels of sodium or sugar, since over-consumption of either leads to health problems.

It is possible to do a lot of preparation beforehand in order to speed up the cooking process and make it easier. Look through any recipes you make before you begin and prep accordingly, this can save you time before you cook letting you concentrate on your task when the time comes. It is often possible to prepare your ingredients as much as 24 hours ahead of time. More complex recipes become quicker and more fun this way.

To make a delicious beef stir-fry, slice your meat thinly and across the grain. Getting the perfect cut can sometimes be a challenge. When the meat is stiff but not frozen, take it out and slice immediately across the grain at a slight angle.

Raw potatoes should rest in chilly water for approximately 30 minutes. This will help them to be crispy and delicious. The fibers of raw cut potatoes that have been soaked in cold water prior to hitting the deep fryer, are stronger and can handle the heat better without breakage.

Here is a fresh take on oysters. Conventionally, oysters are served raw with a small drizzling of lemon juice, however, there are lots of other ways that you can present them. Put opened oysters on the shell in your broiler pan and cover with some cream. Top your broiler pan with freshly ground pepper and a generous dose of grated Parmesan cheese. Broil this mixture until it bubbles. Another quick and fantastic way to prepare oysters is to saute them. Cover them in a bit of seasoned flour, then fry them in some hot butter for about two minutes until they turn golden brown. You can also bake oysters while still in their shells. Put them into a casserole dish and then add some butter and breadcrumbs over the top. Put in the oven and bake for five minutes at 425 degrees. They are done when the juices on top of each oyster are bubbling. They go great with toasted baguettes.

Bundle your fresh herbs together and cut the appropriate amount off with scissors. By using this technique you can chop many herbs in a short amount of time, and they will be much lighter and fluffier, without the wetness that you get when using a knife.

Believe it or not, there's quite a bit of variation among different types of potatoes. You can make potato salad with waxy potatoes, but you should use a different kind for fries or mashed potatoes. When making those foods, potatoes which are fluffy, like Russets, are best.

You should bake crusts for a longer period of time than you think. The crust should turn a golden color, not simple blonde. The darker color results when the sugar from the crust has started to caramelize and will have a much sweeter and crisper flavor.

Prepare the meal the night before to reduce any stress when you're going to have a complicated meal. Always look at the recipe and do the menial tasks such as chopping and measuring in advance. Verify that you have all ingredients. You can reduce a lot of recipes to a matter of mixing everything together and putting heat to it if you do good advance preparation.

Try putting a little ketchup in the batter when you are frying foods. You can either dip your food in ketchup once it is cooked, or before adding breadcrumbs. Ketchup will add an unexpected tangy element to fried food and will prompt your friends to ask for your secret.

Be sure to soak your wooden skewers in water for at least 30 minutes before using. This helps them avoid burning when you cook. Try using two skewers parallel to one another instead of just one skewer.

Are you going to prepare food with fresh basil? Place fresh basil into a glass. Make sure the basil's stems are covered in water. This way it will stay fresh for days, even weeks, right on your countertop! If you pay close attention and frequently change the water in the glass, you are likely to see basil roots starting to grow. All you need to do is keep the roots of the basil trimmed regularly and you will have fresh basil ready for use for quite some time.

Many people know the health benefits of dark, leafy greens, though because they are so hard to prepare, many people do not eat them often. One aspect that is tough is removing the stems. To make it easier, take the leaf and fold it lengthwise, then cut out the stem in the middle. Also, with the leaf folded lengthwise, you can use a sharp knife to slice the stem away from the leafy portion. Once you unfold the leaf, it will be de-stemmed and ready for use.

Do you enjoy cooking with the flavors of fresh basil? Fill an empty glass with fresh basil. Fill the container with enough water to cover the stems. Put it on the counter of your kitchen in order to maintain its freshness for many weeks. If you pay close attention and frequently change the water in the glass, you are likely to see basil roots starting to grow. Occasionally trim the basil in order to promote more growth so that you can have fresh basil for a while.

Replacing some of your mashed potatoes with equal amounts of cauliflower is a healthy alternative, reducing fat and calories. Cauliflower tends to have a bland taste, so this will blend nicely with the potatoes, and will pick up other ingredients, as well. Cauliflower has the same texture and color as potatoes, offering you a perfect way to add another vegetable to your dish while cutting calories.

Use spices after cooking. Salt and pepper are everyday seasonings, but a little garlic, ginger, or cayenne can add an interesting zest to a prepared meal. A lot of people have different preferences in taste when choosing spices. Instead of adding spices while you are cooking, let people season their own food after you have served it. This way, everyone can make the dish truly theirs.

Sometimes we may forget to taste our cooking before adding salt, and end up with too much of it. Not to worry, though, as this can be fixed. If you happen to make a sauce too salty, put some raw potato into the pot for a short time to absorb the excess. The sliced potatoes will absorb any extra salt. If your dish contains tomatoes, just put in more of them to take away the salty flavor and proceed with cooking until they become ready.

It is important to maintain a wooden cutting board properly. Excess moisture, heat and dryness may cause a wooden chopping board to split and warp. Don't submerge your board in water to clean it. Use a sponge and warm soapy water instead. Bring a damaged wood board back to life with regular oiling, using only oil made for cutting boards. Store in a cool dry place until the product has completely dried.

Do you ever hesitate to toss moldy food? Do you wonder if you can still use the fruit by simply cutting out the part that seems overripe? Unfortunately, there is no healthy way of saving half rotten fruit. They need to be thrown out, due to the fact that mold is much deeper than just skin level and could make you or anyone who eats it very ill.

Cooking for your family can seem like a little too much sometimes. There are a lot of things that can be done to make cooking easy. Try to relax when you enter the kitchen next time.

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