Saturday, August 11, 2012

How To Cook Like A Great Chef

You can become a great cook with less effort than you may think. You can enjoy experimentation while you learn to cook, in order to develop your skills. These tips can help you become more knowledgeable about cooking so that you can try new things. The advice in this article will turn you into a culinary expert in no time!
Brining is a technique for preparing poultry. Try soaking poultry, such as chicken, turkey, goose or duck, for 60 minutes in a brine solution prior to cooking. This makes the flavor of the poultry exponentially more flavorful.
If cooking with skewers is something you are considering, then you will want to know certain things. To get a better hold on the food, use a square or twisted type metal skewer.
Try not to under or over cook your cake. The times on the recipe are great as a guide for cooking, but factors like elevation and various oven temperatures can effect the actual cooking time of cakes. Sticking a toothpick in the center of the cake is a time proven test for doneness. If your toothpick is wet or sticky, give your cake a little longer to cook. If it's clean and dry, your cake is ready to cool and frost.
There are many steps you can take towards prepping your food to make your whole cooking process easier. You can read the recipe to find out what you can do in advance. You can prepare a lot of food the day prior to actually cooking. You can turn a fancy meal into a fast, fun meal that can be cooked in a flash!
If you are just starting out with cooking, consider doing your research at your local library. There are plenty of cookbooks with simple recipes available. Pick out a few recipes to try and decide after it has been eaten if it is a recipe you want to add to your permanent collection. Be sure to be patient as you try these new recipes.
A healthy way to cook vegetables is to saute them with a little bit of chicken broth. The broth adds flavor to them, while reducing oil that is usually used for sauteing. This is a nutritious and delicious method for cooking vegetables.
When preparing mashed potatoes, mix the potatoes using hot, non-boiling water prior to mashing them. This causes the potatoes to become lighter and fluffier, compared to using cold milk. Boring, lumpy mashed potatoes are for the birds.
Never forget to measure oil when you are using it for cooking. Use only the required amount of oil necessary, and resist pouring straight from the bottle to the cooking pan, to reduce the fat content in your foods. Doing this will make you aware of exactly how much cooking oil you're using.
While creaming butter for cookies, it has to be soft but not to the point of being melted. If it is melted, pop the bowl into the freezer for a few minutes to harden it a bit, or refrigerate the dough after mixing the ingredients. By using cooler dough, your cookies will not spread out as much.
There are few things more frustrating in grilling than going to flip a burger and finding that it has stuck to the grill. To prevent this in the future, brush a bit of vegetable oil onto the grates before adding the food.
Take care to not overfill your pan when you are sauteing. Too much moisture can cause food to steam rather than saute, affecting the crispness of the meal. Saute at a lower temperature as well.
As you are preparing mashed potatoes for a meal, be sure to use hot, but not boiling milk to stir in with the potatoes. The end result is lighter, fluffier mashed potatoes. Nobody wants to eat mashed potatoes full of lumps.
With these tips, you can improve your cooking skills in a just a few, simple steps. With this advice, all you need to do know if get into your kitchen and start cooking! You are bound to russell up a dish that all your friends and family will want to devour.

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